Tactics is the last target in the tier 1 group. We’ll be enumerating SMB again here.
1. Scan with the `-Pn` switch.2. Enumerate the `smb` shares with `smbclient -L $target -U Administrator`
3. Connect to `//$target/C$` and navigate to the admin's desktop
4. `GET flag.txt` and `cat` it locally
Establishing a Connection & Initial Scan
Spawn the bastard and get vpn going.
I’ve confirmed the target is reachable with a ping
Start the default nmap
scan and let it run while we complete the tasklist.
The Tasklist
Task 1
Which Nmap switch can we use to enumerate machines when our packets are otherwise blocked by the Windows firewall?
Curiously, this is the first time our default scan returned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Fortunately nmap
offers a tip below to use the -Pn
switch in this scenario.
Our modified nmap
command now reads nmap -Pn -A -v -T4 -oA recon/all $target
We know have some intel :)
Task 2
What does the 3-letter acronym SMB stand for?
server message block
Task 3
What port does SMB use to operate at?
Task 4
What command line argument do you give to smbclient
to list available shares?
We covered smb
enumeration back in Dancing.
Task 5
What character at the end of a share name indicates it’s an administrative share?
Task 6
Which Administrative share is accessible on the box that allows users to view the whole file system?
- Firstly, we try to enumerate as was mentioned in Task 4. However, we did not have permissions to conduct discovery.
- Using -U Administrator, we were then successfully able to enumerate the shares.
- I was able to connect to each of the three shares, but
were dead ends. C$
was more
showed this was the answer
Task 7
What command can we use to download the files we find on the SMB Share?
Task 8
Which tool that is part of the Impacket collection can be used to get an interactive shell on the system?
Impacket has a script called
. It is an alternative to the smbclient
session, but it is not needed here.
Task 9
Submit root flag
Capturing the Flag
- We
down toAdministrator
’s Desktop ls
- and we download it with
GET flag.txt
Once we exit the smb session, we can cat
the flag and call it a win.
Lessons Learned
- Impacket has a bunch of useful tools worth checking out