
HTB Starting Point - Tier 1 - Pennywoth

Introduction Pennyworth is the 6th machine in the Tier 1 group, and the 3rd VIP box. The focus of this box is webapp bruteforcing and establishing a reverse shell. tl;dr ...

HTB Starting Point - Tier 1 - Bike

Introduction This is the 5th target in the Tier 1 lineup, and the 2nd of 3 VIP machines. Ths machine introduces SSTI and the use of a proxy to conduct the attack. This one was pretty difficult f...

HTB Starting Point - Tier 1 - Ignition

Introduction This is the 4th box in the Tier 1 series. This machine touches the topics of redirects and bruteforcing a web login, similarly to its prequel preignition from Tier 0. tl;dr ...

HTB Starting Point - Tier 1 - Crocodile

Introduction This system is the third target in the Starting Point Tier 1 series. This machine features FTP. tl;dr ...

HTB Starting Point - Tier 1 - Sequel

Introduction Sequel is the 2nd machine in the Starting Point Tier 1 series. And maybe it’s because I’m drinking but I just realized it is likely called Sequel because the focus is SQL. tl;dr ...

HTB Starting Point - Tier 1 - Appointment

Introduction We have captured 6 flags from the Tier 0 series, and are on the 1st of the Tier 1 series. This box is an introduction into SQL database injection. tl;dr ...

HackTheBox Starting Point: Tier 1

Target Systems Appointment Sequel Crocodile Responder Ignition Bike Pennyworth Tactics

HTB Starting Point - Tier 0 - Preignition

Introduction Preignition is the final box in the Tier 0 series, and the 2nd of 2 VIP machines. This lab focuses on web enumeration/dir busting. tl;dr ...

HTB Starting Point - Tier 0 - Explosion

Introduction Explosion is the 4th 5th system (HTB keeps adding new machines) in the Tier 0 list, and the 1st of 2 VIP machines. RDP is the service theme here. tl;dr ...

HTB Starting Point - Tier 0 - Dancing

Introduction Dancing is the host we are targeting this time. It looks like SMB will be the theme of the day. tl;dr ...